Indigenous cultures are the stewards and experts of these medicines. Our connection to the plant teachers is a privilege, and as such we should enter into relationship with them with the utmost respect, honesty and integrity. One aspect of reciprocity is to take our work with the medicines seriously: to adequately prepare before ceremony, and to follow through on what we need to confront, heal or own within ourselves afterwards.

I help people working with sacred plant medicines to ground, prepare and integrate their experiences through the unique lens of intuitive energy work . I discovered an affinity between my work as an intuitive, and the energetic shifting that people working with plant teachers often have to navigate. I’m honored to be of service to these communities. I don’t facilitate ceremonies or journeys.

Working with Plants

We live and grow through being in relationship.

When we go to sacred plants to facilitate a healing and growth process, we’re entering into relationship with another living energy.

It’s invaluable to have a practice of grounding and self inquiry to act as an inner support system: the more self aware and in ownership we are of our own desires, needs, and motivations, the more we can participate in the relationship with the plants in conscious, meaningful ways.

Preparation and Integration

A lot of what it is to be human is uncharted territory. When we enter into the psychic space of the inner landscape, we connect with dimensions of our reality that we may not deal with consciously, but are always there.

Both readings and sacred plant medicines offer a direct way into this dimension, as a tool for accelerated healing and growth.

After a ceremony or private journey, we have the choice of returning to life as usual, or we can integrate the information we received, and allow its wisdom to transform our reality.

When we give energy and intention to the integration phase, the results of our plant medicine experience will be life affirming and transformative.

The intentions we hold going into the journey create a context for how we’ll receive the experience.

They’re a guide we take with us into the unknown, and a template we can return to when we faced with challenging or confusing experiences.

After your journey, the insights and healing we receive will be challenged by lifelong patterns and programs that are in opposition or apathy to new information.

This is why it’s important to process our experiences, and integrate it with the daily rhythms of our bodies, minds and hearts.

Frequently the intentions that called us to participate in a ceremony are fulfilled in ways we may not recognize right away, or that we’re reluctant to accept.

When we don’t give ourselves time and space for integration, some part of us may be resisting our own healing and growth!

Private Plant Medicine Preparation and Integration Package 1 hr pre-journey reading for clarifying and deepening intentions. 2 post-journey integration sessions; the first ideally within a day or two of the experience, the second 1 week after the first. Ongoing integration sessions available.

Please contact for scheduling and questions

Deep space view of the cosmos taken by Hubble telescope. Representing the vastness of our inner landscape.

Community Preparation and Integration Circles
Bi Monthly, zoom and in person in Berkeley CA
In Partnership with the Sacred Garden Community
All are welcome: you do not need to be a member of SGC or my client to attend. I hope to see you there!

Community Preparation + Integration Circles offer a supportive container for people working with entheogens: to ground, clarify or re-align with intentions, and connect with the guidance of earth, body, heart and spirit. 

Sessions include a guided meditation, somatic experiencing, and reflection on the integration process. Facilitated time for conversation allows participants to share and receive supportive feedback. Meetings close with an affirmation or intention setting generated by the group. All are welcome! Tickets will be available soon, please email for more info.